Thursday, February 17, 2005

Mental exhaustion

This week has felt like it's lasted a year. Busy week. Lots to do. Lots going on. Last few candidates for job search #2. I don't have any duties with that search since I'm not on the committee, but I do have to show up and be a good department citizen....and that's draining when you've already done so 5 or 6 times. The other day I had lunch with a few colleagues, and we actually ran out of things to say to each other. We're all burned out. Big time.

On top of all that, it seems like everything's come to a head this week. Deadlines---conference papers, grant applications. Courses---grading, grading, grading. Lots of last-minute, oh-my-god-you-must-do-this-RIGHT-NOW things. Projects coming to a close. Students to supervise and advise. Why why WHY does it all have to happen in the same week???

Luckily, things are going well. Good (very good) candidates this week. Classes chugging along. Students are smart and thoughtful. Discussion is going better (thanks, everyone, for your advice!). Paper deadline is a bit tight, but I think I'll make it. Grant app is in, it's good, and I'm way excited about the project so I hope it gets funded. Grading has actually inspired the next homework assignment in one class. And, dare I say, I'm happy with the various committee things going on---even if I do wish they didn't happen this week.

I guess I can deal with being busy as long as I feel good about it. But I do feel the mental exhaustion. It's physically painful, if that makes sense. I'll definitely need to take a break this weekend.


Andy said...

You know reading this and then also talking to my friend who has recently gone back to school, I soooo do not miss being in college. I have no idea how professors do it, they must have the patience of Saints. Because by about the second day of having to deal with this I'd be chucking students out the window when they got questions wrong.

Jane said...

Hee me, Andy, there are plenty of days that I'd like to chuck my students out the window! Luckily, the good days far outweigh the bad ones....but this can be a very tough job.