Tuesday, May 02, 2006

It must be May, since I have no time to breathe

Or put together a coherent blog post, for that matter. Lots has been going on over the past few days. Lots of fodder for blog posts that I don't have time to write right now. So in the interim, random snippets:

* Minor stuff has been happening with the phone call incident. I met with several people last week--two mentors, to help me strategize about what I should be asking for; and some of the involved administrators, about what to do next. In short, I stood my ground, and I'm cautiously optimistic. Stay tuned for (hopefully happy) updates!

* The third year review letter should be sent out any day now. I'm expecting that it will contain good news, but I'm also expecting that the letter will say that there are some nontrivial weaknesses in my case. I have some work to do here before tenure. I'll need my department's help. I hope they're willing to help me. In any case, I won't be able to fully relax until I get the damn letter! Again, a longer post is forthcoming on this topic.

* I was so completely burned out that I took the entire weekend off. I got myself uber-organized at the end of last week (and this week) so that I could actually pull this off. And I'm so glad that I did. I didn't do anything particularly exciting, but I was able to get a ton of stuff done--errands, cleaning, little stuff that had piled up, a haircut (it had been four months! man, was I shaggy), cooking, even some crafting. It was completely and utterly relaxing. I need to do this more often.

* A student and I had a minor research breakthrough today, on a problem that's vexed us for weeks. We still have to run some more tests to verify it, but so far the results are what we expected. The turning point: We found uninterrupted time to sit down and stare at the code and data for a while, just tracing through line by line. It's true; two pairs of eyes are better than one.

* Meetings are the bane of my existence lately. It wouldn't be so bad if we actually got something DONE at one of these, but no. Let's just talk the topic to death instead. Yeeeeeeeeesh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't do anything particularly exciting, but I was able to get a ton of stuff done--errands, cleaning, little stuff that had piled up, a haircut (it had been four months! man, was I shaggy), cooking, even some crafting.

Yeah, life maintenance is... well... I was going to say 'great', but it isn't, really. It's at least nice to have done. After a paper deadline I tend to have a bunch of deferred life maintenance to do, like a day's worth or so. And it's not like I even have obligations or anything.

Well, except for this class. I'd better prepare lecture notes for tomorrow! And Assignment 1!