Monday, July 25, 2005

Time suckers

Ack. I hate it when I'm on a productivity binge and get derailed by external forces. Today, it was the Attack of the Killer Meetings that did me in. Typically, Mondays and Thursdays are my meeting days, but I try my best to confine them to the span of a few hours---preferably in the mornings---so that I don't spend my day attending meetings and waiting to attend meetings. Not so today.

One of the meetings ran over; another got pushed back to the afternoon, and basically lasted the entire afternoon. The latter meeting was mostly productive (although I suspect that we could have finished things much faster if we tried harder), but I really wanted to get a few things done this afternoon, and of course I didn't even have time to start them. And this is a short week for me (vacation! yay!), so I was really feeling stressed about getting stuff done in the few days I have available. Luckily, I realized that I can salvage some lost work time by taking some work-related reading on the plane, so that makes me a bit less stressed. (but still, I wanted to move those percentages in the sidebar up a bit! wah!)

In other time-sucking news, I've just been asked to serve on yet another committee for next year. I need to turn it down because I really don't have time for it and I suspect that it's not one of those assignments that I need for tenure (how awful is that? but it's not a high visibility thing, which is the only reason I'd consider doing it with the crazy schedule I have next year). So anyway, for some reason I'm having a hard time saying no---I've been ignoring the request for a few days now. And I don't usually have a problem saying no if I have to (even if I am the queen of overcommitment). I don't know if it's that I feel bad saying no, or feel guilty---I think it's a bit of both. And I shouldn't feel bad or guilty, but there it is. (and I also feel guilty for not responding yet...yeah, I'm a mess.) Well, hopefully I can get over this long enough to send my refusal and get this multi-faceted guilt trip off my back!


Michelle said...

Say NO!! The sooner the better (no energy going toward remembering to do it, the asker has more time to find someone else....)....

Jane said...

Thanks for the motivation, Michelle! I did say no (and before I left for vacation, too!) and it felt wonderful!

Michelle said...
