Tuesday, May 03, 2005

A summer to-do list

* Take a walk every day or almost every day.
* Spend a day tubing.
* Eat ice cream...lots of ice cream.
* Go swimming outdoors.
* Eat breakfast (or at least have morning coffee/tea) out on the porch.
* Spend an afternoon driving or biking through somewhere I've never been before.
* Every once in a while, take my work outside.
* Take time to just stare at the clouds, breathe deeply, and let my thoughts wander.


~profgrrrrl~ said...

Ooh! Tubing sounds nice. Wish we were nearby (I just have a feeling we're not) -- I'd off to go tubing with you :)

Cheeky Prof said...

Wow, tubing brings back memories. And I may go for 1, 3, 7 & 8 myself.

Jane said...

I hate to admit this, but I've never been tubing, so I am unnaturally excited about this. I'll be sure to file a full report! :)

Mel said...

what a great, relaxing list! inspiring...