Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Blog dreams

Do you remember your dreams? Some of them, all of them, most of them, none of them? Do you remember them vividly, or only impressions of them?

I go through cycles, where for a short period of time (several days, or a week) I'll have a series of really vivid related dreams---either the same setting or the same theme. Typically, as soon as I figure out the meaning of the dreams, they stop, and I go back to either sleeping dreamlessly or not remembering my dreams.

I'm in such a cycle right now. Over the past week, I've had a series of dreams, all with a different cast of characters and all in different settings/scenarios, in which I'm trying to write an exam that I need to give to my students the next day (or, in one case, in 10 minutes), and I either can't start it or can't finish it because random weird things keep happening. It's the classic "unprepared" dream. Yet even though I've figured out the main symbolism in the dreams, I still keep having them, for some reason.

In my most recent such dream (a couple of nights ago), I dreamed that I had to write the exam, but what was distracting me was....reading blogs! I dreamt that I was reading Mel's blog, and she had posted pictures of her campus. From the pictures, I deduced that Mel's campus was a school not too far away from my own school. (which is funny, because I suspect in real life we live rather far apart....but who knows!) And so, for the rest of the dream I found myself wandering around Mel's campus, searching high and low, trying to find her....all the while worrying that my exam was not getting written.....

Hmm. Perhaps I should get out more.


jo(e) said...

Oh, that is actually sort of cool. I haven't yet had a blogging dream.

Jane said...

jo(e), this is actually the second blogging dream I've had. But then again, I tend to dream about things that are prominent in my life at the time....during the school year, for instance, I often dream of my classes. (which is kind of bad.....I can't even get away from work in my dreams! aack!)

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone (reading)!
I am reading the dream interpretations on http://www.dreamstell.net (a site I have run into). See if you can make use of them...
